The Family Romanov: Murder, Rebellion, and the Fall of Imperial Russia
By Candace Fleming
ISBN: 0375867821

Bibliographical Information:
Fleming, Candace. The family Romanov: murder, rebellion & the fall of Imperial Russia. New York: Schwartz & Wade Books, 2014.

Plot Summary:

In this biography, readers are introduced to the royal family of Russia, the Romanovs.  Czar Nicholas was ignorant of the state of his beloved country of Russia.  Czar Nicholas married Alexandra of Germany who was the granddaughter of Queen Victoria of England.  The couple had four daughters and one son.  Their only son Alexei suffered from hemophilia and was often sick.  The Empress relied on Rasputin whom she thought was a holy man to heal her son Alexei.  The Romanovs enjoy a secluded royal lifestyle as the poor of Russia begin to rebel against their government.   Czar Nicholas in denial that there is any rebellion against him becomes a captive in his country.  The family was put to death in their home.  The “Final Secrets” explain some of the rumors surrounding the deaths and burials of the family.

Critical Analysis:

Fleming's biography is an incredible tale of the family and gives a thorough explanation to those who are not familiar with their history.  Excerpts from accounts of everyday citizens show that there was social unrest in the country while Czar Nicholas ruled.  The illustrations from the era follow the narrative of the biography.  The facts of the lives of the family Romanovs will emotionally move anyone who has not heard their story before.  Fleming moves readers with a factual narrative giving and in-depth look at the characters of each of the family members.  The biography leaves readers feeling like they know the family.  This fantastic biography is a perfect read for readers 12 and up.

Fleming includes a very thorough bibliography that explains how she set out to find the truth behind what happened to this family.  Fleming explains how she wove the story of the Romanovs, the realistic excerpts from peasant Russians, and the rise of power of Vladimir Lenin that lead to the worker’s strike.  Fleming quotes numerous sources and explains how she came to gain all her knowledge to create this accurate and beautiful piece of work.

Awards, Recognitions, and Reviews:

Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Young Adult Literature (2014)
Sibert Honor (2015)
NCTE Orbis Pictus Award (2015)
YALSA Award Nominee for Excellence in Nonfiction (2015)
Pennsylvania Young Readers' Choice Award Nominee for Young Adults (2016)

KIRKUS REVIEWS- “A remarkable human story, told with clarity and confidence.”

SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL REVIEW- The tragic Romanovs, last imperial family of Russia, have long held tremendous fascination. The interest generated by this family is intense, from debates about Duchess Anastasia and her survival to the discovery of their pathetic mass graves. A significant number of post-Glasnost Russian citizens consider the Romanovs holy to the extent that the Russian Orthodox Church has canonized them. This well-researched and well-annotated book provides information not only on the history of these famous figures but also on the Russian people living at the time and on the social conditions that contributed to the family's demise. The narrative alternates between a straightforward recounting of the Romanovs' lives and primary source narratives of peasants' lives. The contrast is compelling and enhances understanding of how the divide between the extremely rich and the very poor can lead directly to violent and dramatic political change. While the description and snippets on the serfs and factory workers are workmanlike, the pictures painted of the reclusive and insular Romanovs is striking. Unsuited to the positions in which they found themselves, Nicholas and Alexandra raised their children in a bubble, inadequately educating them and providing them only slight exposure to society. The informative text illuminates their inability to understand the social conditions in Russia and the impact it might have had on them. This is both a sobering work, and the account of the discovery of their bones and the aftermath is at once fascinating and distressing. A solid resource and good recreational reading for high school students.—Ann Welton, Grant Elementary School, Tacoma, WA

BOOKLIST  *Starred Review* History comes to vivid life in Fleming’s sweeping story of the dramatic decline and fall of the House of Romanov. Her account provides not only intimate portraits of Tsar Nicholas; his wife, Alexandra; and the five Romanov children, but it also offers a beautifully realized examination of the context of their lives—Russia in a state of increasing social unrest and turmoil. The latter aspect is shown in part through generous excerpts from letters, diaries, memoirs, and more that are seamlessly interspersed throughout the narrative. All underscore the incredible disparity between the glittering lives of the Romanovs and the desperately impoverished ones of the peasant population. Instead of attempting to reform this, Nicholas simply refused to acknowledge its presence, rousing himself only long enough to order savage repression of the occasional uprising. Fleming shows that the hapless tsar was ill equipped to discharge his duties, increasingly relying on Alexandra for guidance; unfortunately, at the same time, she was increasingly reliant on the counsel of the evil monk Rasputin. The end, when it came, was swift and—for the Romanovs, who were brutally murdered—terrible. Compulsively readable, Fleming’s artful work of narrative history is splendidly researched and documented. For readers who regard history as dull, Fleming’s extraordinary book is proof positive that, on the contrary, it is endlessly fascinating, absorbing as any novel, and the stuff of an altogether memorable reading experience. Grades 9-12. --Michael Cart

Create an author spotlight for Candace Fleming.  Have the students watch one of the many interviews with Candace Fleming.
Have students do research on the Russian Revolution and create a propaganda poster.
Create a did you know about the facts in the biography including Rasputin, Communism, Russian Revolution, Lenin, Tsar.
Students can have a debate.  Have students prepare to be either royalty or peasants.
Students can create a timeline of the Romanovs starting with Czar Nicholas and ending with their death.
Students can create a family tree of the Romanovs.

Fleming, Candace. The family Romanov: murder, rebellion & the fall of Imperial Russia. New York: Schwartz & Wade Books, 2014.

Fleming, Candace. "THE FAMILY ROMANOV by Candace Fleming." Kirkus Reviews. Accessed March 17, 2017.

"Editorial Reviews: The Family Romanov." The Family Romanov. Accessed March 17, 2017.


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